Tips: October 2022

President’s message I hope everyone is well as we start the 2022-2023 club year. I am very excited to have the opportunity to serve as the President of our club…

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Tips: June 2022

President’s Message Greetings Members! As we bring this club year to a close, I’m grateful for all the things we’ve been able to accomplish as an organization. We’ve supported several…

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Tips: May 2022

President’s Message Greetings, My heart is overwhelmed and mere words cannot express how grateful I am to everyone for the success of our Annual Shrimp Feast on April 22nd! Hats…

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Tips: March 2022

President’s Message Greetings! When I am asked where I grew up or where I’m from, I always answer Patterson Park. My neighborhood was home to people of many nationalities. The…

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Tips: February 2022

President’s Message Being in the Women’s Traffic and Transportation Club means that we are each connected to an always busy industry. For that industry to run smoothly, we are reliant…

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