Tips: June 2022

President’s Message

Greetings Members!

As we bring this club year to a close, I’m grateful for all the things we’ve been able to accomplish as an organization. We’ve supported several charitable causes, including contributions for women who are victims of trafficking, BARCS and the Baltimore firefighters’ families and others; conducted successful fundraisers; supported the events of other transportation clubs; hosted fun in-person activities; brought back the annual shrimp feast; and provided a scholarship for students at the Community College of Baltimore County in the Transportation, Distribution, and Maritime Logistics. We now set our sights on celebrating the 90th anniversary of the WTTC in 2023.

As we look forward to the celebration, I want us to be reminded of our mission: to unite the people engaged exclusively or partially in traffic duties of the various commercial and transportation interest of Baltimore and the vicinity in a program of education. We provide opportunities to network and to create relationships and understanding between those involved in the transportation industry.

Did you ever wonder how the Port keeps the channels deep enough for the large cargo ships? Curious minds want the know! Please see the flyer included here about a special field trip to the Port of Baltimore’s Poplar Island restoration site, July 22nd. This a special VIP trip with limited capacity, so sign up as soon as you can confirm your attendance.

Now, it’s officially SUMMER!

Whether you revere the beach, enjoy camping or love hosting barbecues in your own backyards, the WTTC”S board members and I wish you the happiest and healthiest summer!

Enjoy your time together! I hope you have a wonderful summer filled with great weather and even better memories.


With kindness,

Member Spotlight

Rachel Sanchez, Landstar Express America

Let’s welcome one of our newest members to WTTC, Rachel Sanchez of Landstar Express America. Rachel is the daughter of long-time WTTC member, Sheila Sanchez, and is currently working in air freight for the family owned business, Yankee Enterprises. They are a one-stop shop for international and domestic air freight, trucking and ocean borne cargo handling. Rachel obtained her high school diploma in 2019 from the International Connections Academy, an on-line high school. She began taking general studies at Anne Arundel Community College, and was working part-time at the family business, which was started by her father, Michael Sanchez, 36 years ago. When COVID hit, she took that opportunity to start working full time for the agency and has been learning
the business from the bottom up for the past two years. Currently, she provides quotes, bookings and tracks the freight.

When asked what she likes about working for the family business, “it’s the work environment itself, because I’ve known many of these people most of my life”, she explained. And although the work tasks can be repetitive, there’s always something new. “I can now appreciate the blood and sweat my parents put into the building the business”, she added.

Most recently, the international logistics part of the business has grown and is the most profitable, “so Rachel in growing right along with it”, her father Mike could be heard in the background saying with pride about his daughter’s work. “I’m want to retire soon,” he said, and the family business will eventually be turned over to Rachel.

Although Rachel considers it a blessing to work together with the family, it does come with challenges. For instance, when it’s family vacation time, they have to find a balance since everyone may not be able to go at the same time; someone has to stay to oversee the business. Rachel is also learning how to leave work at the office, and not make it a dominate part of family time.

When not working at the family business, ironically, she really enjoys spending time with family, both locally and out of state. She is also a new fur mommy and has a new puppy, Kara, she adores. She also likes concerts, theater and traveling. Although she has visited Rome, the magic of Disney World is still her favorite vacation. Her mother Sheila is semi-retired from the company, but encouraged Rachel to join WTTC so that she can network and connect to the community.